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Acupuncture at
Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Acupuncture in backAcupuncture works by stimulating nerve fibers in the body that trigger the release of pain-blocking neurotransmitters and increase circulation to different areas of the body. A one-inch, tiny, sterilized needle is inserted using a plastic insertion tube approximately 1/8 of an inch into specific spots throughout the body.

How Acupuncture Can Help

You may try acupuncture for symptomatic relief of a variety of conditions:

  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Neck pain/stiffness
  • Low back pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Insomnia
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Infertility

Dr. Clark Is Acupuncture Certified

Chiropractors in Illinois are required to take 100 graduate hours to get certified in acupuncture. Dr. Clark obtained certification when he was in chiropractic college. He has been providing acupuncture since 2008.

Acupuncture is usually painless. However, with the needle’s insertion, there may be a “mosquito bite” type sensation or feeling like you’ve been pricked with a toothpick.

There is no real discomfort afterward. At Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, treatments are typically 20-30 minutes in length and could be anywhere between 1-3 times per week.

The risks of acupuncture are low if you have a certified practitioner such as Dr. Clark administering the needles. Possible side effects may include soreness, bleeding or bruising at the needle sites. Some people may feel a little sleepy the night of or have a headache. That may be due to dehydration or toxins being released.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an ideal patient for acupuncture?

Those with multiple areas of pain are ideal patients. That’s because we can address more than one area of the body at once. Acupuncture is also good for patients who deal with a lot of stress. Some of their pain and tension is actually due to stress. Acupuncture also works best for people who have tried many other routes but haven’t had success.

Can children have acupuncture?

Yes, but your child will need to lie calmly for 20-25 minutes for the treatment and be okay with needles.

How many treatments are needed?

We tell patients that it usually takes 4-6 treatments to notice any benefits. A lot of people might feel calm or be able to sleep better after one treatment. If you don’t experience results after 4-6 sessions, however, acupuncture may not be beneficial moving forward. Most people get 12-18 treatments.

Do you combine acupuncture with other therapies?

Yes, some people get acupuncture in combination with other therapies such as chiropractic or PT.

How is acupuncture practiced at Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation?

Dr. Clark practices more Western-based acupuncture, which mainly focuses on pain relief. While he doesn’t use acupuncture to help with issues such as allergies or ADHD, he has used acupuncture for smoking cessation and infertility.

Has acupuncture been successful for smoking cessation?

Yes, but patients have to genuinely want to quit. If they don’t and are just looking for a “magic pill,” then acupuncture won’t be effective. We also recommend pairing acupuncture with counseling, a nicotine patch or Chantix, a smoking cessation medicine. Your odds of successfully quitting increase by another 20% if you pair two therapies.

Do you offer dry needling?

Yes, this therapy is used to find knots or tender areas in muscles or tendons. Dry needling involves plunging the needle in and out of the tissue. It works by producing a mild inflammatory response in the area and creating healing. Dry needing also can break up muscle tension and the knots from the inside out.

Is there anyone who wouldn't be a good candidate for acupuncture or dry needling?

There are not too many contraindications. However, those with severe needle anxiety shouldn’t have either therapy. We also don’t recommend that pregnant women have acupuncture as if given in certain areas, it could induce labor. On the other hand, if you’re at 40 weeks and your doctor clears you to get acupuncture, you can get labor induced.

Is there anything I should do to prepare for acupuncture or dry needling?

Drink plenty of water beforehand as you will likely respond better to your sessions. If someone is dehydrated, the needles will hurt a little more. That’s because the skin isn’t as supple when you’re dehydrated.

Take That First Step Toward Feeling Great

Contact us today to book an appointment for acupuncture or dry needling at our Hoffman Estates office!



Acupuncture Hoffman Estates IL | (847) 839-8888